Higher Calling Ministries has been birthed to be beseech, beacon, and to compel others to press towards the mark of the high call of God AND ANSWERING THE High Call of God upon their lives in order to obtain the prize. We are an apostolic and prophetic church helping others realize their full potential in order to advance the Kingdom of God.
What call you may ask?
•The call out of darkness (out of sin)
•the call into his marvelous light (salvation)
•The call to fellowship (connection, local church, assembling together)
•the call to serve (discipleship, ministry, exercising their gift)
• the call to lead (leadership, going out, apostolic)
What can you expect?
You can expect to have a joyous, spirit-filled time in the Lord with great fellowship. We believe in showing the Love of Christ during our meet and greet before services that brotherly love may be promoted before going into worship.
Worship Style
We have a progressive and intimate worship style in which we embrace contemporary praise and worship at the beginning of each service. We believe in being spontaneous in our approach to worship, allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to us prophetically and as to where He leads.
Preaching Style
Our preaching style is anointed, thought provoking, dynamic, and boldly proclaiming the gospel with having authority. We do not shy away from speaking the truth. We do not sugar-coat the gospel! We hold true in that the gospel is profitable for correction, rebuke, reproving, encouragement, and exhorting and we preach in that same manner.
Service Format
Our services are always subject to change by the leading, guiding, and compelling of the Holy Ghost. We present a simple, yet fluid worship service format that devotes most of the time towards the preaching and teaching of God's Word and still being able to let you out in good time for you to enjoy the rest of your day with your family.