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 PACE” PRINCIPLES…. (the objective)


Preaching/Proclaiming…teaching- the gospel in its fullness with power, authority, wisdom, and clarity.

Assembling- of like-minded believers in Word, breaking bread, fellowship, and prayer (acts 2:42)

CONNECTING- staying connected to the True vine through personal relationship with Christ and through connection of local body in order to bring forth much fruit. Connecting with other Pastors/ leaders to add spiritual encouragement and enrichment.

Equipping- Empowering believers to function and operate effectively in the Kingdom. (Eph 4:11-12)




  • To preach, teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations… that’s right….to all Nations (matthew 28)

  • To win the lost, make disciples, equip the saints for the work of the ministry. To bring them into CHRISTLIKE MATURITY (Eph 4:11-12)

  • To greatly impact our region spiritually, socially, and economically.

  • To become a present day Antioch Church serving as an equipping and sending church.

  • To embrace a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic fellowship.

  • To restore purity and authenticity to 5 fold ministry.

  • To Restore Geniune Worship that reaches the heart of God through song.

  • To train up, impart, empower, activate, raise up Sons and Daughters of the ministry to be ordained and sent forth to advance the kingdom even further.

  • To tear down demonic strongholds and regional principalities that hinders or stifles the forward moving and progress of the church.

  • To plant churches strategically in country and abroad.

@2016 created by Clarity Designs

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