PACE” PRINCIPLES…. (the objective)
Preaching/Proclaiming…teaching- the gospel in its fullness with power, authority, wisdom, and clarity.
Assembling- of like-minded believers in Word, breaking bread, fellowship, and prayer (acts 2:42)
CONNECTING- staying connected to the True vine through personal relationship with Christ and through connection of local body in order to bring forth much fruit. Connecting with other Pastors/ leaders to add spiritual encouragement and enrichment.
Equipping- Empowering believers to function and operate effectively in the Kingdom. (Eph 4:11-12)
To preach, teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations… that’s right….to all Nations (matthew 28)
To win the lost, make disciples, equip the saints for the work of the ministry. To bring them into CHRISTLIKE MATURITY (Eph 4:11-12)
To greatly impact our region spiritually, socially, and economically.
To become a present day Antioch Church serving as an equipping and sending church.
To embrace a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic fellowship.
To restore purity and authenticity to 5 fold ministry.
To Restore Geniune Worship that reaches the heart of God through song.
To train up, impart, empower, activate, raise up Sons and Daughters of the ministry to be ordained and sent forth to advance the kingdom even further.
To tear down demonic strongholds and regional principalities that hinders or stifles the forward moving and progress of the church.
To plant churches strategically in country and abroad.